With opposition to biotech giant Monsanto growing daily all across the world, the corporation, in what appears to be a response to the upcoming worldwide “March Against Monsanto” event, has publicly stated that those against genetically-modified foods are guilty of “reverse elitism.”
“There is this strange kind of reverse elitism: If I’m going to do this, then everything else shouldn’t exist. There is space in the supermarket shelf for all of us,” said Monsanto’s Chief Executive Officer Hugh Grant.
Grant went on to blame social media as the main breeding ground for opposition to Monsanto and genetically modified foods while also accusing his opposition of wanting to “block others from choosing more affordable options” other than organic.
“I don’t understand what’s so ‘elitist’ about wanting to warn people that they’re ingesting things that could give them cancer and make their progeny infertile. The notion that GMOs are somehow humanitarian is fallacious, dishonest PR,” said MAM International Co-Organizer Emilie Rensink.
“It’s another fallacy that eating healthy is expensive. You can actually save money on food by starting your own backyard garden and/or supporting your local farmers at farmers markets.”
The first ever peer-reviewed study to examine the long-term health effects of eating Monsanto’s genetically modified corn (NK603), led by French scientist Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen, discovered that lab rats that ingested the corn for a two-year period produced massive tumors and kidney and liver damage, among other issues. Although Monsanto’s own studies never surpass 90 days, GM food supporters disputed the findings and still stood by GM food safety.
“They like to pretend they are feeding the world, but this is a convoluted lie. Hunger is not a global production problem, it’s a global justice problem,” said International Co-Organizer and MAM Founder Tami Canal.
“Elitism is what companies like Monsanto demonstrate by trying to monopolize the global food supply.”
Although Grant and Monsanto claim there is enough room for their GM foods as well as others on grocery shelves, with 75 to 80 percent of conventional processed food in the U.S. now containing GM ingredients, it appears as if room is running out for everyone but Monsanto.
Even with Monsanto’s claims of wanting to feed and help foreign countries, an estimated 125,000 farmers committed suicide after going bankrupt following a massive GM crop failure in India. More and more countries are now putting restrictions and even all out bans on GM foods and crops. In the United States alone, polls have found that 93 percent of the public wants GM food labeled.
“How can a corporation that posts quarterly profits in the billions, a company the has perfected the art of wholesale purchasing of entire governments call grass-roots volunteers elitists?” said MAM’s Director of social media Nick Bernabe.
“If Monsanto would have read our mission statement, or watched our interviews, they would have noticed that we’re all about helping the poor through decentralizing the food supply and bringing food democracy to the people with REAL organic food.”
Fresh off the heels of President Obama’s signature of what has been deemed the “Monsanto Protection Act,” legislation that allows companies such as Monsanto to ignore court orders against selling genetically-engineered seeds, anti-Monsanto sentiment and awareness is at an all-time high.
“We’re going to march against Monsanto, and there’s nothing they can do to stop the tide that’s turning against them,” said Rensink.
More than 200,000 people in over 50 countries are set to March Against Monsanto May 25.
For more info:
Website: http://www.march-against-monsanto.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MarchAgainstMonstanto
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple
Contributed by Mikael Thalen of secretsofthefed.com
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Filed under: Civil Unrest / War, Food, News/ Current Events, Whatever Your Opinion